The roulette house cannot cheat. The stop number of the roulette is drawn using a server seed string set before the start of the bets.
So the house has no advantage because the state of the bets is unknown at that time.
At the end of the game we check that the calculated number is the same than the one displayed by the roulette.
The client seed can be changed at any time by the client . Of course you may ask , what happens if I do not change it ? Well it's not a big deal , you just do not participate in the random generation of the stop number , but , as already explained , the house has no advantage as long as the server seed is set before the bets.
The nonce also helps the client to "salt" the process.
- The stop number is calculated like this :
The sha256(serverseed) is public and set in the client database before the bets .
Just after the spin wheel, we calculate the Sha256(serverseed+clientseed+nonce),then we convert it into decimal numbers.
It starts like : 6745932537... , then we group the numbers two by two :
67 45 93 25 37 ... And we look at the first group of two is less then 37. Here it is 25 . So the number of the roulette will be 25 . The server seed string is revealed and checked.